Monday, August 1, 2011

Partner Needed

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I was hoping I might be able to find someone that would like to be a role play partner. I'd prefer someone at least fairly literate, providing at least a paragraph with each post and using proper grammar. I do nearly any genre, but I love various fandom based ones. I tend to prefer some action to keep things from being boring and there seems to always end up being some more mature themes in my RPs. I prefer to not have more than one partner per role play (Though I love being part of many RPs) solely because having to wait for turns is not good for someone with little patience like me. Plus, it can just get confusing. So willingness to play multiple roles is almost a must. I'd prefer to have someone willing to play males at least on occasion, and to be canon if playing someone from a fandom. I'd prefer if it could be done over email, but PM is fine. Message me or reply here if you're interested. I swear, I'm not as picky as I seem. I promise xDD


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