Saturday, August 20, 2011

Small Business Marketing Tips | Power Media Marketing

Small Business Marketing Tips


Did you know 62.8% of all business fail within 6 years (source National

Ok shocking statement but true if you don?t want to be one of those statistics then read on because I will show you by utilising social media marketing how not only to keep your business going in a recession but to actually make it more profitable.

Despite all the hype about social media marketing small businesses on the whole have for some reason failed to take hold of this medium or simply don?t understand the power of social media marketing.

Its hardly surprising in this information technology age because as a business owner your time is limited and there is so much information out there it s easy to suffer from information overload .Worse still the majority of so called expert opinion on this subject is sheer drivel.

In this mini series i am going to share small business marketing tips which will explode your business profits

Today I am going to concentrate on just one element of online marketing that if you get right is guaranteed to increase your profitability by up to 100%

Imagine being able to do this in only three weeks , what difference would that make to your business and your life?

How much difference would increasing your cash flow by 100% make to you right now ? Would that relieve some of the pressure? would that give you more time to actually run and develop your business instead of worrying about keeping it.

I am going to share with you now the number one secret to online marketing success for any business.

First id like you to think of a search engine you might use to find a product or service online, chances are your thinking Google, and quite rightly so Google is without doubt the most used search engine online.


So now I want you to think like your customers, what would they typically type in to search for your particular product or service, now imagine this what if the page that Google shows them has your business ,not only in the number one position but 5 out of the first ten list your business. Do you think that might affect your bottom line?

Of course it would.

Being on the first page of Google for your relevant business or product offering to searchers is the most vital aspect of online marketing. So just how do you get Google to list your business on those coveted 1 to ten spots?

The trick is in knowing exactly how Google works. And here?s the rub SEO companies have made millions trading on the knowledge that they alone know how this works. Well my friends we are about to let the secret out of the bag.

Drum roll please?? Google looks at three things on our website in relation to a user search term or query..

Content on your page, internal links on your website and confirmation of authority from other sites, period that?s it.

Umm doesn?t sound very complicated or secretish does it well..

The devil as usual is in the detail and as a business owner you probably haven?t got time to learn all this stuff nor should you that?s our business. What you want is to be that business on the first page, because that?s where you are going to make the most money.

As a fist step in your social media marketing strategy I can place your company on that first page.

In fact I try to get you more than one listing out of the top ten practically eliminating the competition, imagine that whenever someone searches for the product or service you offer your company is the only one to show in google?

Can you see the massive potential for increasing your profitability in this.

However as this is a marketing training program Ill show you how to do it yourself.

1. Local search.

Have you seen how google now throws up a map with businesses matching your search terms listed you need to be there.

So first things first make sure your company is listed with Thompson local directories it?s a free service and its very important that the information they have about your company is accurate. Google uses this to compile its listings

When you have done that its time to head over to google local business centere

sign in using your gmail account and follow the on screen instructions its painless and quick.To speed things up before you get there make sure you have already written a business description and have some photos or video to upload as well.

The last step involves verification and that can be done over the phone you simply enter your number and google rings you then you input the pin number they gave you.

That?s it and voila about 48hrs later you should have your local listing.

The neat thing about google business local is its reporting statistics where you can see how many times your listing has been displayed and more importantly what they were actually searching for when they found your business tremendous value.

So stop reading here go to and setup your company listing,

Related Google Business Local Articles

Tags: business, marketing, tips, small


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