Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Aktuelle Ausschreibungen | NapoKo ? Nachwuchsnetzwerk politische ...

Solange richtiges Sommerwetter auf sich warten l?sst, kann man ja schon mal die n?chsten Tagungen planen, auch wenn diesmal?Fribourg die s?dlichste Destination der Calls ist:


Medienkommunikation in Bewegung.pdf

Jahrestagung DGPuK PR_2012 M?nchen

CfP Medienhistorisches Forum


??Social Media and Political Change?

Journal of Communication Special Issue (Revised Version 1.1)

?Deadline : August 15, 2011

?The ?Arab Spring? as well as recent events in other parts of the world have demonstrated that new communication technologies, such as mobile phones and the internet, are simultaneously new tools for social movement organizing and new tools for surveillance by authoritarian regimes. ?Though communication theory necessarily transcends particular technologies, software, and websites, digital media have clearly become an important part of the toolkit available to political actors. ?These technologies are also becoming part of the research toolkit for scholars interested in studying the changing patterns in interpersonal, political, and global communication.

How have changing patterns of interpersonal, political, and global communication created new opportunities for social movements, or new means of social control by political elites? ?The role of social media in new patterns of communication is especially dramatic across North Africa and the Middle East, where decades of authoritarian rule have been challenged?with varying degrees of success. ?Social media?broadly understood as a range of communication technologies that allow individuals to manage the flow of content across their own networks of family, friends and other social contacts?seem to have had a crucial role in the political upheaval and social protest in several countries. ?Mass communication has not ceased to be important, but is now joined with a variety of other media with very different properties that may reinforce, displace, counteract, or create fresh new phenomena.

?Research on social media and political change outside North Africa and the Middle East is also welcome, especially if it is about countries and communities managed by authoritarian regimes, or by emerging democracies where democratic institutions and practises may be deepening or thinning. Also welcome are manuscripts on media industries, the political economy of telecommunications policy, and research that uses original data or existing data in original ways?as long as such manuscripts fit the thematic interest in social media and political change. Manuscripts should contribute to advancing our understanding of both social media and political change.

This Special Issue seeks original qualitative, comparative, and quantitative research on social media and political change, particularly as related to events in North Africa and the Middle East, but we are also receptive to work on political change in other parts of the developing world. ?We would welcome manuscripts from a diverse range of methodologies, and covering diverse communities and cultures. ?Methodological innovations or mixed method approaches are particularly encouraged, and manuscripts on the interpersonal and intergroup aspects of social movement organizing are central interest. ?Whatever the approach, our goal is to select manuscripts that are grounded in the actual use of social media in promoting or resisting political change in developing countries and regions.

If you have questions regarding the appropriateness of a potential submission, please contact Dr. Philip N. Howard (<>).


??Issue-Congruence and Political Communication in Representative Democracies?

?Jena/Dornburg, October 28-29, 2011

?There is widespread agreement within public and academic discussion that opinions and attitudes of representative elites, i.e. members of parliament, in democracies must in some sense reflect the opinions and attitudes of the population. This assumption provides the starting point for the comparison of representative elites and citizens in terms of issue-congruence. However, this discussion still exhibits blind spots and open questions.

?For instance, when it comes to clarify whether and under which circumstances issue-congruence provides an appropriate indicator for the quality of democracy the opinions begin to differ. Additionally, issue-congruence can be analyzed for a variety of issues and for different relations, e.g. between the entity of representative elites and the population within the same country, between individual parliamentarians and their constituencies or between party-elites and their followers. While all these perspectives provide important insights into the core of representative democracy, a comprehensive approach integrating these perspectives is still lacking.

?Further, only a few empirical studies analyze, if issue-congruence results out of responsive or out of leading political elites. Spoken more generally, the mechanisms underlying issue-(in)congruence need more attention. At this point the link to communication studies becomes obvious, because those mechanisms are necessarily based on communication between representative elites and citizens. Integrating these two perspectives may help deepen the understanding of both approaches. For instance, if we analyze the communication patterns of representative elites and citizens, could we actually identify strategies that are suited to achieve issue-congruence? Can the strategies of representative elites be subsumed in the dichotomy of leadership and responsiveness? Does the degree of issue-congruence differ dependent on the channel and type as well as on the sender and recipient of the communication?

?Especially the discussion about E-democracy depicts citizens as increasingly using the technical possibilities of Web 2.0 in order to bring ?their? political elites (successfully) in congruence with ?the? population. For representative elites the direct way of communication via Web 2.0 towards the voters provides them the possibility of individualized political communication, which may serve as tool to achieve issue-congruence for individual MPs by simultaneously distancing themselves from their party.

?In front of the sketched questions and desiderata in both fields of research the workshop aims to bring together scholars of issue-congruence with scholars from communication studies, not only to examine the empirical evidence for the mentioned questions and assumptions, but also to proceed to a general discussion on the relation between issue-congruence and communication. The workshop welcomes theoretical, empirical and methodological papers.

?The workshop will be hosted by the Collaborative Research Centre 580 at the Universities of Jena and Halle, Research Project A3 ?Representative Elites after the Regime Change?.

Please submit your abstracts via email to?<> until 1st of August, 2011.



ECREA Communication Law and Policy Workshop 2012

?Communication and Media Policy in the Era of the Internet and Digitization

?16-17 March 2011, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

?The workshop will be dedicated to the challenges faced by communication and media policy due to digitization and, in particular, due to the internet, which can be seen as the most important platform for convergence developments and as a driver of numerous changes in the communication and media industries. In addition to discussing communication and media policy from the perspective of change there will be a focus on trying to find out how far guiding principles, institutions and regulatory arrangements have shown either resilience or adaptability to new technological possibilities. A printed volume of the contributions is planned. For all details and information, please see

?Deadline for abstracts: 1 October 2011

Contact: Dr. Maria L?blich& ?Dr. Senta Pfaff-R?diger, Department of Communication Science and Media Research / Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Schellingstr. 3, 80799 Munich, Germany,,?




Date: ?Saturday 12th November 2011, Venue: Lecture Theatre K2.31 (2C) King?s College, University of London, The Strand Campus, London WC2R 2LS

The Centre for Arab & Muslim Media Research (CAMMRO) has been a pioneer in organising doctoral symposia for researchers in Arab and Muslim media and their audiences. The previous events organised at King?s College, and Goldsmiths, University of London made great success and attracted a large number of researchers and academics. The scope of the 5th annual symposium will address media, communication and culture in not only the Arab World but in various other Muslim countries from Africa and Asia. The event also covers research on diasporic and minority media such as satellite TV, radio and social networks especially in Europe and the USA.

Contributions are welcome regarding the following themes:

- Media and the Construction of public opinion

- Media and the Arab revolutions

- The impact of satellite TV on the perception of democracy

- Media and social change in the Arab and Muslim world

- Media coverage of the Arab/Israeli conflict

- Communication and development in the Arab World

- Use of satellite TV and the internet by the Jihadi groups

- Media and women empowerment

- Diasporic media and diasporic audiences

- Youth and new media

- Media and minorities

- Arab/Muslim media audience studies

- Global media and its impact on local cultures

- Arab media and the challenge to global news networks

- Social networks and the changing face of journalism practice

- Reality TV and the tabloidisation of Arab media

- Pan-Arab Satellite TV and the transnational public Sphere

- Media and subcultures in the Arab world



We welcome contributions from around the world about the above mentioned areas of enquiry. Abstracts to be considered for symposium panel presentations should be submitted electronically by 29th July 2011. Each abstract should be no more than 350 words, and each presentation should be no more than 15 minutes. Draft papers should be submitted by 23rd September 2011. Please send along your abstract a short bio and your full contact details.

Symposium fees: ?45.00 (payable by or before the 15th September 2011). The symposium organisers do not reimburse any travel or accommodation expenses.

?Please send your abstracts and all enquiries to: Nermeen Sayed (Symposium Co-ordinator). E-mail:? Tel: 00 44 (0) 7879 519602


Polish-German Young Researcher Prize


The Prize is awarded to a young researcher who has already acquired the master`s degree or to a PhD student who either in his or her master`s thesis or in an advanced PhD thesis or in an advanced research project being currently under realization:

- has been investigating an issue that concerns Poland as far as the choice of the subject is concerned or an issue that remains in a territorial connection with Poland;

- has already started or intends to start in the nearest future cooperation with a Polish university or a Polish research institution;

- has applied methodology developed by Polish research institutions in his or her research;

- has been making use of results of research carried out by Polish research institutions or by individual Polish researchers;

- has already started cooperation with a PAN-research institute, which has been documented by an advanced scientific bilateral cooperation program.

The scope of the Prize is not limited to any particular branch or field of science. The Prize may be awarded for research conducted in any of them, however under the condition that the research activity of the candidate has involved partnership or another kind of participation of Polish science either with regard to its subject, methodology or the way the research is organized and carried out.

The winner of the competition will be selected by a Jury comprising four to six representatives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Cologne.

The administrative tasks necessary to carry out the competition are performed by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The competition is advertised ? on behalf of the organizers ? by universities located in the following German federal states: North Rhine-Westphalia, Hessia, Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland.

Application forms, accompanied by the necessary attachments and an opinion on the applicant`s research achievements, prepared by an independent scientist, shall be submitted online in English to? September 30, 2011. If there is any specific documentation of the research (not necessarily in English), the applicant may submit it as well.


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