Wednesday, October 24, 2012

White House Policies Leading to Higher Energy Costs?

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Well this is not news still a lot of -- of this show but -- keeps going up our problems -- keep piling up instead of calling resides around the world where it's not being -- around the world.

So we can talk tough about our brand about a -- to come back and laugh at us eating is hard to beat odds.

Well when you're sixteen trillion bucks in debt Murray energy corporation CEO Robert very.

Right about that and our I guess cascading clout right -- Ito what do we do to address that Robert you say coherent energy policy is one thing.

But you think globally you travel and a lot of it will we're we're not.

Held in high regard anymore.

No we're not.


Have very high cost energy and it's going to increase.

-- At a much greater rate senator Jim -- half.

The ranking member of the senate environment public works committee just came out with a very extensive report that mr.


Is holding back.

600 billion dollars worth of regulations that they don't wanna come out with before the election.

And Casey gets reelected a second term.

These all involve.


A greenhouse gas.

And fly ash regulations.

600 billion an additional cost to energy.

This man is destroying the low cost energy.

In America and without low cost.

Energy in America our country will not have a good foreign policy week.

We will be a second rate nation and this man is destroying --

You know what I didn't see added Mitt Romney last night and maybe there was a strategy did this I'm not Smart enough to know would see the advantage -- Is your strategy is a lose a debate I know we succeeded at that militants to Mitt Romney.

But he didn't tackle the president on how important energy was.

-- you are global.

Competitiveness he -- start out not besmirching in the air.

But he he didn't drive that point army didn't drive the fact that that dot our debt it threatens our national security touched on it but not aggressively enough and I'm wondering.

If that is why -- you know the -- gonna do to -- and others say America can't get its fiscal house in order because they can't even agree what's important.

I I think you're right I do agree.

-- governor Romney's performance in the debate as to how you described it.

I don't know why he'd let.


Obama who.

Is the wonderful wrong here -- unfairly attacked him but he -- I do know.

Its strategy robber was to look presidential not to get in the we'd start idea that look like he's confident I can understand that.

But part of being residential -- to also be in your face now and then like he wasn't the first -- and I didn't see him follow up.

Yes I agree I am very worried sir when you eliminate the coal industry.

Which is the four cent a kilowatt hour energy in this country and try to replace it with 22 cents a kilowatt hour wind and solar.

That gets 24 dollars from the taxpayer.

-- we are in.

For a very very high cost energy scenario in America and low cost electricity -- is a staple of life we must have it.

We are going to be exporting jobs to China which is building a new 500 megawatt force -- a -- a lot of -- power -- every week.

So why why isn't this more of an issue -- even in states like Ohio certainly Pennsylvania.

We're I would imagine this is right up there with the basic economy.

Oh it is it's right up in Ohio it's Friday to top the list in the debates indeed 500 of my miners my hourly miners last week.

Wrote a letter to -- Obama's -- Mr.

Obama why are you lying about 500.

Coal miners they are incensed in Ohio it's not coming out in the debate now but it is clearly being debated -- in the state of Ohio --

Well Margaret you're you've been uncannily right about a lot of this stuff than these trends we shall see my friend Bob -- You know my thank you -- see again.


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