Friday, September 21, 2012

Research Paper:Spiritual Life Journey ? Transformation through ...

?By:Gopalakrishna G Gubbi


In today?s world, the human beings are more self centric, materialistic, racing behind?recognition & success, rushing to make exponential money and so on. As a result, the many of?them are frustrated, feeling tired & lost energy syndrome, feeling restless, rushing ahead?goalless & loosing meaning in life. The result of such in one?s routine life is ? lost track of?wellness, short lived satisfaction, anxiety syndrome in most of the activities, loosing quality life,increased suicides, increased divorce cases, unhealthy sexual relations, increased employeeturnover, work place environment with least of trust & confidence between management-manager-member, increased faults & frauds, etc. The number of such cases is increasingglobally.

Arianna H of the Huffington Post wrote, the conventional view of human nature embedded in?our educational systems, business practices and political culture makes the people more?detached, rational and objective and makes individuals as autonomous agents in pursuit of?material acquisition than promoting family/relatives/colleagues in a shared and interconnected?world.?The above situation has definitely disturbed the society in general and organisation & family in
particular. The global study indicates that this disturbing environment has noticeably influencedpeople & organisations to recall the Coaching need. Effective 1980s, the Coaching concept has?slowly spread-over among ? Life, Family, Life Cycle, Career, Health/Wellness, Business,Workplace, Executive, Spiritual, etc.


To define Coaching, it is an ongoing partnership between a client and a qualified coach, which is entered into to assist an individual to produce fulfilling results in their personal and/or?professional life.Coaching involves profiling one?s life to determine strengths and areas of improvement,?primarily the asking of questions in professional manner to assist individuals and groups to raise?their consciousness to understand unconscious or conscious motivation, to change?unconstructive thoughts, words and actions into positive ones, to achieve goals, to solve?challenges and stream in genius solutions for permanent positive change.?Coaching is unlocking a person?s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping?them to learn rather than teaching them. Every being has an answer within.

Coaching is an ?interactional process born from a space of unconditional love a nd wholeness,which catalyses the awakening in a client of his/her real Self and inspires him/her to be who?they truly are?.Upon deeper examination of the coaching trend, one might say that it is clear that society has?shifted away from earlier models of success, and is now favouring personal definitions of?fulfilment based on individual values. Whether at home or the work place, the environment is
shifting to?co-creation/collaboration/coordination/cooperation,work with wisdom comparedto the days of authoritarian / power / instruction driven approach. That is where ?Spiritual?Coaching? comes in. One of these so-called terms is harnessing the transformative power of??Spirit? so that we are in touch with our ?Higher Self? and hear inner guidance/guidelines.


As Albert Einstein quotes, Spiritual Coaching can address the intent of people who would like to?be man of value vs becoming man of success.?Spirituality is all about living a fulfilled life and the mode to reach status of enlightenment &?personal mastery. A spiritual human being is a happy and successful human being. Success is?not about how much money one has amassed in his life; it is rather about the degree of?happiness life moments he has attained and continues to gain such moments. Success, in other?words, is a measure of contentment every-day life moments have offered. Life indeed is a?journey that one has decided to take in the direction of achieving self defined goals. Very?naturally, one ought to enjoy every step in this journey, not just the final outcome. For?example, if one is completely busy with his business building/expansion activities and in the?process fails to enjoy the moments with the close-net family (spouse, children), then the very?essence of his living is lost, and the business he is building/expanding would never give him?everlasting peace and happiness neither to him nor his family members. Therefore, while he?builds his business (& business goals), he must also give/plan quality moments to the ones he?care for, and the ones who care for him.

Many say that coaching is the latest evolution in the arena of self-improvement, and its?transformative power is being embraced by tens of thousands both personally and in business.?Spiritual Coaching is everything that we may have experienced and understood about what?coaching to be, but with certain added elements that distinguishes it. Those elements are based?on the idea of consciousness and for a better life. The point of this type of coaching is to take?spiritual principles and spiritual ideals into the real world, so that they can be applied practically?to several aspects of one?s life. This would produce greater success in client?s endeavour and?also promote personal evolution on every level of his/her life activities/approaches like?satisfying his/her common desire to grow, be happy, master life and imbibe peace.

A spiritual coach teaches you how to live from consciousness. A spiritual coach focuses on the?inner workings of client?s mind, body, and soul. A spiritual coach can help client learn that?spirituality is often one of the best tools that one can use to overcome life?s troubles. A spiritual?coach will also show you how to break free of a lifetime?s worth of limitations and help you find?joy and true peace.


As historically known, the meditation techniques has philosophically and scientifically proved?transforming people positively. Today this powerful tool & technique is widely applied in?organisations for developing individuals, leaders and managers to improve self realization?(ability, potential, confidence, etc.), build harmony at the work place & mould leaders to be in?inspiring/motivating space with goal clarity. The regular meditation process offers space for?positivity and possibility in one?s life through : 1) self awareness 2) realizing their values &?beliefs3) self mastery to take appropriate actions & change themselves for positive move.?Through the meditation process, a qualified Coach would take the client to draw the inner?energy by connecting to Body Chakras*.*Sanskrit word = wheel in our body which acts as electro-magnetic field. Close to 90 deg angle, Chakra is in our Spinal card root,?novel, heart, throat, centre of eyes &in brain. Each one produces it?s own energy and influence our thought/actions.

Spiritual Life Journey ? Transformation through Coaching

The benefits of regular meditation for the client :
a) Ability to tap quickly into our intuition for questions that generate the best results
b) Enables forward thinking in creating doable plan of action without any anxiety
c) Allows creative ideas flow in the fresh mind/brain of client
d) Sets mind & body with ease & gentleness while handling complex situations
e) Influences faith in self and others (with positive energy) around.?Meditation opens up our creative centres in the brain. It prevents many disasters because
wisdom comes to you before the disaster happen. Since we all have the wisdom inside of us?already, meditation is a mode to access it.

From the Client-Coach perspective :
a. Helping clients to believe in themselves : When we understand ourselves as spiritual beings?having a physical experience, we also recognize that we are magnificent individuals with infinite?potential. When this happens, life takes on new meaning. In the process, a Coach can bring ?Self?Awareness? within the client. Realisation of Self (strengths & limits) enables natural confidence?in the client?s mind. It moulds him to be more assertive in the organisational decision making?context or self dependent in his activities.

b. Showing clients how to take control of their lives : Today, most people are running on blind-fold, controlled by what they have been taught to believe and what others expect of them. For?their magnificence to blossom, they have to take control of self and change course. The?meditation influences ?Self management? in client?s life & act appropriately in their routine life.

c. Teaching clients to understand their life purpose : Spiritually, each of us is here for a reason,?with magnificent gifts to share. Learning about ourselves and learning to live in harmony with?our purpose is a tremendous gift. The meditation process enables the client to scan his own?beliefs & values** and thus transform his thinking/approach in life appropriately. In the?organisation context, this works positively in building healthy relationship between client and ?his colleagues/peers/superiors. This enables positive energy in the work environment.?** Spiritual values could include ? honesty, self love, confidence, trust, respecting others, humility, etc.

d. Guiding clients to realize their purpose : This involves setting life goals (self, family & social)?and taking action to realize their dreams. As they do this, life truly takes on new meaning. As?Maslow states, this 4th phase of individual?s need hierarchy enables the client to phrase his self?confidence, self ability, visualized achievements and thus map professional growth accordingly.?The organisation is much benefited by his goal clarity and enables them to plan his career ?development which would be mutually beneficial & purposeful.

e. Uplifting clients to live to the fullest. Think about the joy of feeling excited about being alive?each day and moving toward the brightest possible future. The client at this space of self actualisation will be in a position :

- to carve his professional/personal destiny,
- feel contented in all perspective of life,
- to inspire/motivate others,
- voluntarily share his expertise/ experience for the benefit of people around.

Through the Coaching intervention, the Coach should assist/support the Client in defining the?very purpose of client?s existence ? which is to nourish his spirit while realizing his goals. The?quality of Client?s life is dependent on the degree of awareness that is brought into his everyday?living moments. This happens when the client is a witness to every moment that his life is?bringing forth, and this witnessing should happen without the interference of the mind (here &?now status). When the mind interferes, then the client is living either in the past or in the?future. But real living is only in the moment, not in the past, nor in the future. Nourishing one?s?spirit is all about living the moment as he is working towards fulfilling his goals. This process?would naturally take the person to his/her destiny.
In Spiritual Coaching, the Coach should help the Client to nourish his spirit and take him?towards preset goal in a way that brings a different dimension of life into his living.?The Spiritual coaches in our recent history including Lord Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed,?Lao Tsu, Nanak, Mahatma Gandhi & so on, who showed the possibilities of attaining following?by practicing spiritual life:

a) Self mastery
b) Strong intuition
c) Balanced health
d) Happiness ? sustained
e) Inner peace
f) Repeat success
g) Leadership and natural attraction
h) Increased credibility
i) Harmony and ability to recognize potential of others
j) Growth in their chosen area ? spiritual, professional, political, etc.
k) Improved relationship


A small survey was conducted to understand the awareness among working professionals?about coaching intervention in general and about Spiritual Coaching in particular. The?questionnaire was sent to 25 working people across the country in India. The intent of this?effort was to get clarity on the need of Spiritual Coaching & the perceived influence in building?positivity/healthy work environment. (Due to paucity of time, the survey inputs were collected?through telecom responses).


Spiritual Coaching supports us to achieve ?wholeness? in other words ?the integration of all?parts of our being ? body, mind, heart, spirit and soul ? into a highly functioning Self. Through?coaching models based in Spirit, we can deepen and re-define life?s meaning and begin to?emerge truly empowered in life. This takes place because we access a more authentic sense of??who we are? as human beings and discover a genuine connection to life, to spiritual?dimensions, to our own dreams, and to other people ? which leads us with greater potential,?increased fulfilment and a fuller expression of our personal power.?By ensuring Spirit in client?s lives, coach can support client to rise above the mass consciousness?and become true leaders ? who know how to solve the problems in a matured manner. ?Spiritual Coaching can help repair the moral fabric of one?s lives to prevent a lot of unnecessary?hardship and suffering.

The Coach is an Architect.Spiritual Coaching can change this actuality as it supports client?s?journey to become naturally aware of our thoughts, words and actions.


As stated in MIT?s Sloan Management Research Study, ?People are hungry for ways in which to?practice spirituality in the workplace without offending their co-workers or causing acrimony?.?It is better to understand that Spirituality is not a reference to any religion, caste, creed,?geography, etc. It is about how one?s positive beliefs are applied in his/her day-today life. ?Business Week magazine reported on research by McKinsey & Co. in Australia that found?productivity improved & people turnover reduced when some companies applied spiritual techniques in some of the engagement programs for their employees.?It is important to understand that organisations do give priority at achieving their business?goals, earn better profits & move ahead with business expansion programs and further?investments. To achieve defined business milestones, they concentrate more on business?coaching, leadership coaching and executive coaching as appropriate interventions to enable their business leaders to think differently and work towards the target.?While the above happens at the outer part of the materialistic world, there is a need to explore ?the vast potential of within self. Believe it or not, there?s a purpose to everyone?s existence.?Gifted are those who are able to realize their purpose and live towards achieving it, irrespective ?of whether the world has recognized them or not. The Spiritual Coach can ssist/support the?client towards his/her internal journey to explore the wonderful inner-self available within?client?s body, mind & soul. Such self exploration could create immense energy like the rocket ?propeller engine which when switched on, can take the client to the greater height where sky is?the limit.?Ultimately what makes you (client) special is whether you (client) have been successful in?nourishing your spirit as you are moving towards achieving your professional/personal goals.


- Book of Secrets by Osho
- Biology of beliefs by Bruce Lipton
- The inner game by Timothy Gallway
- Dance of Insight by David Rocks
- A way of being by Rogers.C.R.
- The Art of Happiness, a handbook for living by Dalai Lama
- Your inner Coach by McDermott and Jago W
- Meditation and Chakras in Wikipedia


Employee?s Spiritual Life Journey ? Transformation through Coaching
Name : ___________________________
Age : ___________________________
Gender : M/F
Occupation : ______________________
Based on your past 3 years experience, please answer the following :
Q1. Do your organisation have/had offered Coaching intervention to the employees : Yes / No
Q2. Which of the following Coaching styles you are familiar with :
a. Business Coaching
b. Executive Coaching
c. Health/Wellness Coaching
d. Career Coaching
e. Finance & Wealth Coaching
f. Sales Coaching
g. Life Coaching
h. Spiritual Coaching
i. Any other
Q3. Which of the above Coaching were offered in your organisation.
Q4. Does your organisation offers opportunity to opt for Coaching of your choice ?
Q5. What is your understanding about Spiritual Coaching :
Q6. Do you think Spiritual Coaching is required for Employees and if so, why ?
Thanks for taking out precious time in responding to this request. Your profile details are kept confidential.


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