Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kenly woman gets refund from local credit counseling firm | NBC17 ...

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Credit: Steve Sbraccia for NBC-17

The offices of Barnes Consulting in downtown Kenly

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A Kenly woman received her money back from a credit consulting firm after NBC-17 interceded on her behalf, but the controversy about the situation hasn?t subsided.

An employee of the firm says the charges made by Parrish are not true.

"We've done nothing wrong," claims Charlie Gilantzis of Barnes Consulting.

He denies the credit consulting firm he works for ignored Frank and Paula Parrish for the three months they were with the company.

"It was hard to understand what he said, and we wanted things in writing that we didn't get and there just wasn't a follow-up," said Frank Parrish.

Gilantzis, who has?served nine years on Kenly's town council, has an explanation.

"[It was] simply miscommunication," Gilantzis said. "It started with email. There was a late response and that's it."

After signing on with Barnes Consulting, Paula Parrish said her credit rating dropped lower when she followed Gilantzis's advice. As she and her husband became more frustrated, they wanted their money back.

"At that point, we just wanted to end this and move on because we're not getting what they promised us," Paula explained.

The firm's CEO sent a letter to the couple promising a refund but Paula says Gilantzis refused to honor the request at a Monday meeting.

"I got ready to leave and asked about my refund and he said, 'I'm sorry, there is none. I don?t have to give you a refund,'" Paula said.

She said Gilantzis told her he was aware of his boss's letter, and "told me to tear it up."

When NBC-17 put that charge to Gilantzis and asked if he told Paula to tear up that letter, he replied, "No sir."

Tuesday, the couple received their $500 back following NBC-17's report, which had a phone interview with company CEO Daryl Barnes promising a refund.

"There's always going to be someone that's unhappy," explained Gilantzis. "I've been in business 20 years and given people their money back many, many times."

In the end, the couple says they lost faith in Charlie Gilantzis, whom they've known for years.

"We trusted that he knew what he was doing," said Paula.

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