This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.
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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Blood on the Thames?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.This subject is going to be of the most importance in the beginning of the RP. I am going to be requesting a lot out of the people who are desiring to head up one of the criminal groups fighting for control of London.
First off, making a gang will require quite a bit of attention to detail. There will be a lot of stuff going on within and around each gang that you'll have to be aware of. Other people will be trying to take territory from you in fights while you're trying to take territory from others. There will be other characters working for you that you will have to be willing to work with and coordinate through your territory.
The main thing that I am going to be asking: All my gang leaders will be asked to be co-moderators. This is a position that I am not taking lightly. You will be tasked to help referee fights in other territories that you don't directly influence, so that way everything stays non-biased. But you will be helping to make rulings on how territory fights end once that system is properly constructed. Anyone who is found abusing or neglecting their duties as a co-moderator for the thread will be unceremoniously removed from their position so that someone else who would want it can step in and take over. I want to do that as little as humanly possible to keep from disrupting the flow of the game and making things difficult. If you feel that you are up for the challenge and are willing to take on the responsibilities, by all means, fill out the included Group Profile Template included below and I will see about approving it.
Thank you for your time,
Accepted Entities:
- Code: Select all
[u][b]Entity Name:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Leader/Boss:[/b][/u] Usually you if you're filling this out.
[u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Gang, Corporation, Mafia family, etc... (I regret that I have to refuse any other Private Military Companies from these roles.)
[b][u]Starting Territory:[/u][/b] (please understand that some might be taken without prior notice. This will be a very rare case, though.)
[u][b]Typical Equipment:[/b][/u](what kinds of weapons and equipment will players/NPCs working for you tend to have?) Please make sure things are reasonable for the entity you are trying to create.
[u][b]Organization:[/b][/u] This will be used to detail any players working for you. It can be broken down into a structured list if you like like "Second in Command" "Team Leaders" etc... Or, if your organizing and unruly mob, everyone can just be thrown together. It's up to you.
[u][b]Additional Information:[/b][/u] Anything else you want to add?
BSDJoker - Member for 2 years
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