Personal Development And Awareness
Copyright (c) 2011 Willie Horton
Happiness and success ? indeed, totally changing your life ? lies in your ability to develop your awareness and, in particular, your self awareness. Self improvement, personal development, personal growth ? call it what you will ? is completely dependent on your becoming mindful. Unfortunately, as we will see, you?re handicapped in your efforts before you even start because the normal mind is blissfully (clearly the wrong word!) unaware. And, to make matters worse, a lot that has been said and written about awareness makes something that is essentially simple very complicated ? making it even harder for the normal mind to understand the concept of something that you probably haven?t experienced in your adult life. However, awareness is childlike simplicity itself. To see what I mean, ask yourself the following simple question ? the answer to which will not only provide you with an important insight, it will also open your mind up to the reality of a world filled with opportunity. So, here?s the question: ?How do you feel at this moment??
Noticing how you?re feeling is not the first step on the road to awareness, it?s the only step ? if done in a mindful manner. By that I mean that you don?t take your perceived emotions at face value ? you actually get in touch with the effect your current state of mind is having on you. Instead, you take the time to fully and really experience what it feels like ? or how you think it feels ? to be you right now. So, stop whatever your doing for five minutes and ask yourself that question. Maybe you feel relaxed, joyful, stress-free and healthy. However, if you?re like the rest of us, it?s more likely that you?re feeling one or more of the following: stressed, annoyed, frustrated, tired, irritable, anxious, worried, hassled, confused, helpless, fearful? It?s a scientific fact that, if you?re experiencing any of the foregoin, you?re living in some make-believe world ? your own subconscious mind is making you believe that you?re feeling that way.
The normal mind is unaware. In short, we give almost no attention to what is actually going on right now and, as a result, the reality of life passes us by. Instead, our subconscious mind uses its database of so-called stored knowledge to evaluate current events and put its own spin on them. Sadly, generally speaking, we learned our stored knowledge when we were young children. As a result, our perspective on current events, difficult people, life?s challenges, the stress we think we?re suffering etc. has nothing to do with what is actually going on ? it is simply our incorrect perception of events. What you must realize is that it is not real life that stresses you out or worries you ? it?s what you subconsciously believe about life, in other words, your own personal reality that is causing the problem.
You?ve got to break this cycle of taking what?s currently happening, adding your stored knowledge to the mix and coming up with something that not only is different from what is actually going on but is some warped version of reality that causes you to automatically react and make things even worse than you thought they already were! You?ve got to become aware. And the best way of doing that is by asking yourself the simple question: ?How do I feel right now?? Get in touch with how you?re feeling emotionally ? become aware of what it?s like to be you right now. Get in touch with what you feel in a tactile way ? sweep the palm of your hand along the clothes you?re wearing or run your fingers through your hair. Feel how warm or cold you are. Notice your feet in your shoes or on the floor ? or scrunch your bare toes through the sand or grass. Really feel the warmth of the sun on your back, the gentle breeze on your face or the heat from the crackling fire. Get in touch with now. Hear what it?s like to be you right now. Listen to your breathing. If you can hear nothing, don?t worry, you?re not dead! Just take a couple of deep breaths until you can hear it. Hear the sounds around you ? the kettle boiling, the waves crunching the pebbles on the beach, the birds singing, the traffic roaring, the TV blaring.
And interpret nothing ? put an end to the habitual behaviour of interpreting things in your own warped way. Just feel and listen ? get in touch we reality. If you open your eyes to the reality of where you are and what you?re doing right now and contrast this with how you think you feel, you will realize that the real world is quite different from where you thought you were living. In this moment there are no problems or worries because all these things, like everything in life, pass away. To prove this, ask yourself this: ?What was I worrying about this day last year?? ? or even last week! The cares, trials and tribulations of life are life waves that rock you up and down ? you must master the art of riding those waves instead of letting them overwhelm you. You will discover how to effortlessly ride those waves by getting in touch ? feeling and hearing ? the real reality of the present moment ? by becoming aware.
Once you become aware of this powerful insight, you?ll also begin to observe something else. There are things going on before your very eyes that you couldn?t see up to now because you were blinded by your own subconscious useless thoughts. The normal person would call these things opportunities or coincidences. Open your eyes and you?ll notice that you?re surrounded by them!
Willie Horton launched his now acclaimed Personal Development Seminars in 1996. His clients include Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, KPMG, G4S & Allergan. His Personal Development Workshops are now online, together with hundreds or ?quick tip? articles and videos, at Gurdy.Net, Willie?s Personal Development Website.
Related posts:
- Discover The Power Of Awareness On Personal Development
- Improve your Self Awareness for Personal Growth
- How To Succeed In Personal Development
- Personal Development ? A Key to Success and Personal Fulfillment
- Improving Self-Awareness is Key to Personal Growth
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